Closet cravings: in time for Christmas

Hello everyone.

My birthday came and went and I did not even buy myself a single present. Last year, I made a list (that I have yet to complete) but this year, I did not even have the time. Speaking of presents, Christmas is around the corner. It is a holiday that I like because, you guessed it, the PRESENTS. I love to give presents as much as I love to get them. And here are a few I am eying for myself.


I think that it is about time I change the furniture in my house. Maybe because I spent a lot of time at home this year due to Covid-19, I have realized that some things in my house are outdated. I want to replace them with shiny new things. I will probably start with the living room and then progressively go room to room, since buying furniture is costly in this country. 

Furniture and decor from Lulu Home Interior 

 Towels and bed linens

In the same spirit of upgrading things, it is high time I change the linen in my house and buy some useful but fun ones:. I may even go for a comforter at last. You laugh but I am so picky that it took me an entire year and plus to find a something suitable. As a matter of fact, I am still looking.

Panini and waffle maker

I used to have a panini maker and waffle maker in my previous married life. Recently, I went away with the kids and in the house I rented they had a panini maker that I used to make breakfast. The kids were so happy I want to recreate the experience at home. Beats making grilled cheese sandwiches on the frying pan. 

4 in 1 Panini maker available at 

Designer handbag

My list is getting so homely that I need to add something frivolous. I want me some designer handbag, something in leather that can last a lifetime. But this year I want to invest in local designers. Apparently we have quite a few making sturdy yet beautiful bags. Some of them would be perfect as a birthday present and a Christmas present. 

Oumy Burgundy from Fulani B 

Lady Chic bag from Nene Yaya

There you have it. I have decided yet again to curb my shopping so there are no clothes or shoes to be purchased this year. Besides I do not have plans to go out, and my closet is filled with festive outfits that have not seen the outside world yet. I think my motto for 2021 is to invest in practical things that will make my life easier. What is on your list? 


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